List of People involved in the British-Led Excavations in Egypt

Adam , Abdelrahmen Effendi Fikey , Said Amer el- Milward , Angel
Adams , Nettie K. Firth , Cecil Mallaby Minns , M. A. P.
Adams , Edward Fletcher , Benton Mond , Robert
Adams , Ernest Floyd , A. Morton , Guinevere
Adams , William Y. Frankfort , Henriette Moss , Rosalind Louisa Beaufort
Aitken , Georgina B. Frankfort , Henri Mothersole , Jessie
Alcock , Anthony Fraser , George Willoughby Iles, Mr.
Alexander , Yvonne Villeneau Frazer , Kenneth J. Murphy , J. M.
Alexander , John Amyas French , Peter Murray , Margaret A.
Allen , Susan French , Peter G. Myers , Oliver Humphrys
Allen , Rodger Frend , W. H. C. Myers , Mary
Amherst , Willam Frost , F. Naville , Marguerite
Amos , Maurice Frost , Kingdon Tregosse Naville , (Henri) Edouard
Amsden , Walter Gabra , Gawdat Needham , Valerie
Anderson , Robert D. Gardener , G. A. Needler , Winifred
Angas , Miss Gardiner , Alan Henderson Neilson , Elmer Montgomerie
Apted , Michael R. Gardner , Ernest Arthur Newberry , Percy E.
Ayrton , Edward Russell Gardner , Eleanor W. Newberry , John E.
Aziz , Mohammed Abd el- Garfi , Salvatore Newton , Francis Giesler
Bach , Henri Garnett-Orme , H. North , G. R.
Baines , John Garstang , John O'Connor , David B.
Baker , S. Gartkiewicz , Przemysław M. Orme , Beatrice
Baly , T. J. Colin Gee , Stephanie Peers , Charles Reed
Barns , John Wintour Baldwin Geere , H. Valentine Peet , Thomas Eric
Bell , Edward D. George , S. Pendlebury , John Devitt Stringfellow
Bellairs , Nigel Ghabriel , Osiris Pendlebury , Hilda
Bennett , Cyril John Cole Gibson , G. M. Perry , A. R.
Bensen , W. J. Giddy , Lisa L. Petrie , W. M. Flinders
Benson , Ethel Gilbert-Smith , C. Petrie , Hilda
Benson , Edward Frederick Gilmer , James Pfaff , Miss
Beven , Edwyn Robert Glanville , Stephen Ranulph Kingdon Phipps , Elizabeth
Biggs , G. R. Goddard , Farley B. Pierce , Richard Holton
Blackden , Marcus Worsley Goode , Josephine Pirie , Annie Abernethie
Blackman , Aylward Manley Green , Mrs. Plumley , Gwendolen
Bliss , Fredrick J. Green , Michael A. Plumley , J.Martin
Bottomley , Janet E. Green , Fredrick William Porch , Montagu
Bourriau , Janine Greener , (Herbert) Leslie Standerwick Price , Martin Jessop
Brasch , C. O. Greenlees , T. H. Price , Hugh
Bridger , C. J. Greenlees , T. R. Duncan Quibell , Sarah
Bridson , Miss Gregg , Ivo C. Quibell , James Edward
Broome , Myrtle Florence Grenfell , Bernard Pyne Radford , Irene
Brown , Percy Griffith , Nora Randall-MacIver , David
Brunton , Winifred Mabel Griffith , Francis Llewellyn Raven , Maarten Jan
Brunton , Guy Guignard , J. C. Rawnsley , Noel
Buchanan , Eileen Gunn , Battiscombe Ray , John David
Buchanan , A. G. Guy , Philip Langstaffe Ord Redford , Donald B.
Buckman , Percy Hall , Henry Reginald Holland Reeves , Nicholas
Bushe-Fox , Jocelyn Hansard , Winifred Freda Richards , F. A.
Butler-Stoney , T. Hardie , P. S. Roaf , Michael
Button , Philip Harding , G. T. Rodrigo , E. W. M.
Callender , Arthur Robert Hassan , Thabet Effendi Rose , Pamela J.
Calverley , Amice Mary Haworth , Jesse Rosher , Charles
Caminos , Ricardo Augusto Hayter , Angelo George Kirby Rudnitzky , Günter
Campion , Charles Thomas Head , Barclay V. Sayce , Archibald Henry
Carline , G. R. Heathcote , Reginald St. Alban Schenck , William P.
Carter , Verney Henry , Alfy Schneider , Hans D.
Carter , Howard Hill , Humphry Schuler , A.
Carter , C. B. Hogarth , David George Scott , Nora E.
Caton-Thompson , Gertrude Hughes , Edith Scudder , J.
Caulfeild , Algernon St. George Thomas Hughes-Hughes , Walter Oldham Segal , Judah Benzion
Champion , Michael Hulin , Christopher Seton-Williams , Veronica Marjory
Charlesworth , Dorothy Hunt , Arthur S. Shaw , W. B. Kennedy
Christie , Lawrence Hynes , H. G. C. Sherman , S. R.
Chubb , Mary Alford Iles, Mr. Sherman , Mrs.
Clarke , Somers Insley , Christine D. Shinnie , Margaret Blanche Elizabeth
Clarke , Joseph Iversen , Erik Shorter , Alan Wynn
Clarke , Hyde B. Jacobielski , S. Sillem , Charles
Clarke , Gertrude James , Thomas Garnet Henry Smith , A. L. J.
Clarke , J. P. Jefferies , G. Smith , Hazel
Clayton , Peter Jeffreys , David G. Smith , Harry S.
Cobern , Camden M. Johnson , John de Monins Smith , Cecil
Collins , Miss Jones , Michael Sobolewski , R.
Coult , Elsa Jones , P. Dunlea Spencer , Allan Jeffrey
Crawford , D. J. Kemp , Barry J. Stannus , Hugh
Crowfoot , Elizabeth Kennard , Henry Martyn Starkey , James Leslie
Currelly , Charles Trick Kenny , Angela Stopford , James
d'Hulst , Riamo Khatib , D. el- Tait , William John
Dalison , M. D. P. Khouli , Ali el- Taylor , Joan du Plat
Darvall , Peter Kingford , Florence Thacker , Thomas William
Darvall , Ann Kirwan , (Archibald) Laurence Patrick Thompson , Campbell
Daum , Otto Landells , W. Thompson , Dorothy J.
Davey , Christopher J. Lavers , Ralph Stephenson Thompson , J. H.
Davies , W. Vivian Lawes , Henrietta Thompson , Horace
Davies , Norman de Garis Lawrence , T. E. Townend , J.
Davies , Nina de Garis Le Clezio , Mrs. Trapman-Labouchere , Elisabeth
de Buck , Adiaan Le Clezio , Y. Trefusis , R. E.
Dearlove , O. Legge , George Francis Turner , Louise
Dennis , James Teackle Lehner , Mark Turner , Eric Gardner
Derricourt , Robin Leonard , Bari Tylor , Joseph John
Dixon , James Alfred Lester , R. N. Urlin , Amy
Dixon , David M. Little , Mr. van de Walle , Baudoin
Donne , Irene Lloyd , Seton H. F. van Veen , F. G.
Droop , John Percival Lloyd , Alan B. van Walsem , René
Drower , Margaret S. Loat , William Leonard Stevenson Waddington , Hilary W.
Duncan , John Garrow Lowle , Donald A. Wainwright , Gerald Avery
Dyson , David Lucas , Alfred Wake , C.
Eckenstein , Lina Lynch , Patricia Walker , G. W. H.
Edwards , I. E. S. Macdermot , Violet Walmsley , A.
el-Bushra , Ahmed MacDonald , John Grant Walters , Colin
el-Fiki , Said Mace , Arthur Cruttenden Ward , Helen C.
el-Sayyid el-Fiky , S. George Macfarlane , A. Ward , Edwin
Ellis , Rowland MacGregor , William Weigall , Arthur
Elverson , C. MacGregor , G. Weill , Raymond Charlies Isaac
Emery , Walter Bryan Mackay , Ernest John Henry West , Mr.
Emery , Mary Magdalene Mahaddie , Andrew Wheeler , Noel
Engelbach , Reginald Marciniak , Marek Whitaker , Hugh
Engelbach , Nancy Lambert Marks , Anthony Whittemore , Thomas
Eyre , Christopher John Martin , Joan Wilkin , Anthony
Fairman , Herbert Walter Martin , Geoffrey Thorndike Wilkinson , Charles Kyrle
Fairman , Olive Martindale , R. C. Willey , Duncan
Falcolner , Harold McEuen , R. E. Williams , J. S. H.
Farid , Lufty Merrillees , Robert S. Williamson , R. P. Ross
Fatio , Edmond Millard , Anne Winkler , Hans Alexander
Faulkner , Raymond Oliver Miller , Edward Eustace Woolley , Charles Leonard
Fell , P. G. Mills , Anthony J. Wyatt , George
Felton , Mrs. Milne , Kate Yeiven , Shemuel
Felton , Herbert