Alan Wynn Shorter

1905 - 1938

British Egyptologist; he was born in London, 8 June 1905, son of Wilfred Wynn S. and Mary Adams; he was educated at St. Paul’s School and in 1922 attended evening classes given by Margaret Murray at University College London; he then gained a classical exhibition to The Queen’s College, Oxford, 1924; he read Egyptian and Coptic and in 1928 was on the expedition to El-Amarna and Armant when the EES excavated the Bucheum; he was appointed Assistant Keeper in the Egyptian Dept. of the British Museum, 1929-38; he married Joan Dove, 1931; his chief interest was in religion and funerary papyri and he published several popular books on life in ancient Egypt and mythology, and was engaged on the production of a catalogue of the BM papyri of the Book of the Dead, one part of which he had completed at his death; he wrote, An Introduction to Egyptian Religion: an account of religion in Egypt during the Eighteenth Dynasty, 1931; Everyday Life in ancient Egypt, 1932; The Egyptian Gods, 1937; Catalogue of Egyptian religious papyri in the British Museum. Copies of the book PR(T)-M-HRW, from the xviiith to the xxiind Dynasty, 1938; he died in London, 31 May 1938.