Elizabeth Crowfoot
1914 - 2005
British textile expert; she was born in Cairo, 12 Jan. 1914, third daughter of John C. Grace May Hood C.; she followed a career as an actress, stage manager and wardrobe mistress until 1952, after which she helped her parents with their publications and became a noted textile expert and consultant; she catalogued the textile material from the EES excavations at Qasr Ibrim in the 1960s and took part in the excavations, 1976-84; she died at Waveney, Suffolk, 31 Aug. 2005; her work was posthumously published, Qasr Ibrim: The Textiles from the Cathedral Cemetery, 2011.
Excavation Roles:
Excavations | Excavation Role |
1976 Qasr Ibrim | Textile Analysis |
1978 Qasr Ibrim | Textile Analysis |