1900-01 el-Amra
The focus of excavations this season was on early Egypt, although Randall-MacIver noted that there were numerous graves of Dynasty 18 and Dynasty 12 north of the Predynastic burials. These were not investigated.
Randall-MacIver identified two cemeteries - cemetery a and cemetery b - although these probably were part of one large cemetery. Cemetery a was estimated to include more than 600 graves and cemetery b to contain about 400.
Archive Documents
Catalogue of antiquities of the earliest dynasties: found by Prof. Flinders Petrie at Abydos, Mr Randall-MacIver at El Amrah (Egypt Exploration Fund) and Mr J. Garstang at Beit Khallaf (Egyptian Research Account), 1901 ; exhibited at University College, Gower Street, London, July 1st to 27th. [London], [1901].
Griffith, Francis Llewellyn 1901. Excavations at Abydos : the prehistoric cemeteries at El Amrah, Archaeological Reports 1900-1901, 1-3.
Randall-MacIver, David, 1901. A prehistoric cemetery at El Amrah in Egypt : preliminary report of excavations. Man 1, 49-54.
Randall-MacIver, David 1902. El Amrah and Abydos, 1899-1901. London : Egypt Exploration Fund.