1947-48 Amara West
Excavations lasted from 17 November to 7 March in 1948 which focused on stratified settlements to the south of the temple and a western section of the town including a palace and a city gate. The temple was reburied.
Archive Documents
Fairman, H. W. 1948. Preliminary report on the excavations at Amarah West, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 1947-8. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 34, 3-11.
Fairman, H. W., Excavations at Amarah West, The Connoisseur, London 121 (January-June, 1948), 119-120
Shinnie, P. L. 1948. Archaeological discoveries during Winter 1947-48: Amarah West. Sudan Notes and Records 29 (1), 128.
Spencer, Patricia 1997. Amara West I: the architectural report. Egypt Exploration Society, Excavation Memoir 63. London: Egypt Exploration Society.
Spencer, Patricia 2002. Amara West II: The cemetery and the pottery corpus. Egypt Exploration Society, Excavation Memoir 69. London: Egypt Exploration Society.