1938-39 Amara West
The season lasted from 9 November 1938-4 March 1939 and saw the excavation of the temple, the overlying buildings, the storerooms and some exploration of the cemeteries. Temple architectural features were copied and photographed.
Archive Documents
Fairman, H. W. 1939. Preliminary report on the excavations at 'Amārah West, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 1938-9. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 25 (2), 139-144.
Fairman, Herbert Walter: The recent excavations at Amarah West. - In: The Connoisseur 103 (1939) 322-328.
Spencer, Patricia 1997. Amara West I: the architectural report. Egypt Exploration Society, Excavation Memoir 63. London: Egypt Exploration Society.
Spencer, Patricia 2002. Amara West II: The cemetery and the pottery corpus. Egypt Exploration Society, Excavation Memoir 69. London: Egypt Exploration Society.