1923-24 el-Amarna
The excavation was focused on the town site, north of the work done in 1921 and adjacent to the German excavations to the east (square P46). Excavation was started on October 29 under the direction of Newton and was resumed in January under the direction of Griffith. Newton uncovered a series of houses and a large building (Q.44) akin to a villa and a palace at the northern end of the site. The first division of artefacts occured on December 27 with Griffith starting his excavation and Newton joining the excavations at Ur. Griffith excavated two large mansions, the eastern side of High-Priest Street, and the western side of the street and then re-explored a circular building that Petrie and Carter had excavated, and traced a section of street A. He excavated over 150 buildings and notes finds of glass and faience, statuary, stucco decoration, bronze tools and ceramics.
Archive Documents
Griffith notes in his article that he bought some Coptic frieze panels which will be sent to the University Museum in Sydney.
Griffith, F. Ll. 1924. Excavations at el-'Amarnah, 1923-24. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 10.3/4 (Oct.), 299-305.
Newton, F. G. 1924. Excavations at El-'Amarnah, 1923-24. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 10. 3/4 (Oct.), 289-298.