1897 Deshasheh

Type of fieldwork: 
Illustration and Recording
Season summary: 

Petrie surveyed an 145 km area in 1897 before settling on excavating the cemetery. He recorded about 150 tombs. Material remains recovered included stone sculpture, coffins, beads and amulets, a scribal palette, baskets, ropes, and tools. Additionally two rock-cut tombs were copied. Two linen garments were recovered. 

Relevant archive holdings: 
London, Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology
Relevant publications: 

Catalogue of antiquities from excavations at Deshasheh and Behnesa (Egypt Exploration Fund) and El Kab (Egyptian Research Account) : exhibited at University College, Gower St., London, July 1st to 31st 1897. 1897. London : Egypt Exploration Fund.

Petrie, W. M. Flinders 1898. Deshasheh 1897. Memoir of the Egypt Exploration Fund 15. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Truebner & Co.

Associated Excavation Image: 
Petrie's (1898) map of the area of Deshasha taken from plate I of the excavation memoir.
Petrie's (1898) map of the area of Deshasha taken from plate I of the excavation memoir.
Petrie's map superimposed on a modern-day google map of the area.
Related excavations: 
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