1897-98 Dendara
Type of fieldwork:
Relevant archive holdings:
London, Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology
Distribution Notes:
'Bryn Mawr' does not appear on these distribution documents because they were redistributed there via Sara Yorke Stevenson's American Exploration Fund.
Relevant publications:
Catalogue of antiquities from the excavations of the Egypt Exploration Fund at Dendereh, and the Egyptian Research Account at Hierakonpolis : exhibited [...] at University College, Gower St., London, July 4th to July 30th, 1898. 1898. London.
Petrie, W. M. Flinders 1900. Dendereh: 1898. Memoir of the Egypt Exploration Fund 17. London: Egypt Exploration Fund.
Additional archive material:
Oxford, Griffith Institute, University of Oxford
Associated Excavation Image:
Related excavations:
Distribution destinations:
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