

Alternative site names: 
el-Lahun; el Lahun; el-Lahoun; el Lahoun; Lahun; el-Lahun; el-Illahun; Kahun; Kahoun; Ptolemaios Hormos (ancient Greek); Ptolemais Hormou
Arabic site names: 
Site description: 

The pyramid complex belonged to 12th Dynasty Pharaoh Sensusret II and members of the royal party were buried within the enclosure. There are additional mastabas and graves which date from the Middle Kingdom to the Roman Period. 

The walled rectangular planned town is located at the site for the priests, officials, and artisans that would have been connected to the pyramid. These types of towns must have been constructed at other pyramid sites but Lahun remains the one that has been excavated. A wide variety of domestic objects were found at the site including: domestic wares, workmen’s tools, agricultural and weaving material. Lahun is also notable for the amount of Middle Kingdom hieratic papyri recovered. The texts covered a variety of subject matters; including letters, mathematical, medical, veterinary, administrative, and legal documents.

Type of site: 
Pyramid; mastabas; cemeteries; town; monestary
Pyramid (12th Dynasty);town (Middle Kingdom); mastabas (12th Dynasty); cemeteries (Early Dynastic; Middle Kingdom-Late Antique Period); town (Middle Kingdom); monestary (Late Antique Period)
Overlay map: 
Original excavator's map of the archaeological features at Lahun superimposed on a modern Google map image. Created by Kristian Brink, 2015.
Excavation season: