The pyramid complex belonged to 12th Dynasty Pharaoh Sensusret II and members of the royal party were buried within the enclosure. There are additional mastabas and graves which date from the Middle Kingdom to the Roman Period.
The walled rectangular planned town is located at the site for the priests, officials, and artisans that would have been connected to the pyramid. These types of towns must have been constructed at other pyramid sites but Lahun remains the one that has been excavated. A wide variety of domestic objects were found at the site including: domestic wares, workmen’s tools, agricultural and weaving material. Lahun is also notable for the amount of Middle Kingdom hieratic papyri recovered. The texts covered a variety of subject matters; including letters, mathematical, medical, veterinary, administrative, and legal documents.
Hand list for visitors to the collection of antiquities discovered in the Fayum, Egypt, by W. M. Flinders Petrie, 1889 : exhibited at 8, Oxford Mansion, Oxford Circus [...], 16th Sept. to 5th Oct., 1889. 1889. London.
Catalogue of the collection of antiquities, discovered by Mr Flinders Petrie, in Egypt and Palestine, 1890 : exhibited at 6, Oxford Mansions, London, 15th Sept. to 11th Oct. 1890. London.
The treasure of Lahun and antiquities from Harageh, 1914 : exhibited at University College, Gower St., London, June 22nd to July 18th / British School of Archaeology in Egypt. 1914. London.
Catalogue of Egyptian antiquities: found by Prof. Flinders Petrie and students at Lahun and Sedment, 1920 and 1921 ; exhibited at University College, Gower St., London, July 4th to July 30th / British School of Archaeology in Egypt. 1921. London : BSAE.
Brunton, Guy 1914. The British School at Lahun. Ancient Egypt 1914, 49-51.
Brunton, Guy 1920. Lahun I: the treasure. British School of Archaeology in Egypt and Egyptian Research Account [27] (20th year). London: School of Archaeology in Egypt; Bernard Quaritch.
Lythgoe, Albert M. 1919. The treasure of Lahun. Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art 14 (12.2), 1-28.
Petrie, Flinders, Guy Brunton, and M. A. Murray 1923. Lahun II. British School of Archaeology in Egypt and Egyptian Research Account [33] (26th year). London: British School of Archaeology in Egypt; Bernard Quaritch.
Petrie, W. M. F. 1914. The treasure of Lahun. Ancient Egypt 1914, 97-100.
Petrie, W. M. Flinders 1890. Kahun, Gurob and Hawara. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, and Co.
Petrie, W. M. Flinders 1891. Illahun, Kahun and Gurob: 1889-90. London: David Nutt.
Quirke, Stephen (ed.) 1998. Lahun studies. Bibliothèque des centres d'études supérieures spécialisés. Travaux du Centre d'études supérieures spécialisé d'histoire des religions de Strasbourg. [Reigate]: SIA.
[1] https://egyptartefacts.griffith.ox.ac.uk/file/sketch-map-1jpg
[2] https://egyptartefacts.griffith.ox.ac.uk/file/sketch-map-2jpg
[3] https://egyptartefacts.griffith.ox.ac.uk/file/lahun-mapjpg
[4] https://egyptartefacts.griffith.ox.ac.uk/file/lahun-pyramid-cemeteryjpg