1898-99 Philoteris (Faiyum)
Type of fieldwork:
Season summary:
The excavations were sponsored by the Graeco-Roman branch and thus were concerned with recovering papyri from the Graeco-Roman period rather than objects or material from different time periods.
Ostraca and papyri determined the identification of the site but the excavators did not detail any significant finds.
Relevant archive holdings:
London, Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology
Archive Documents
Relevant publications:
Grenfell, Bernard P. and Arthur S. Hunt 1899. Graeco-Roman branch: excavations for papyri in the Fayum; the position of Lake Moeris. Archaeological Report (Egypt Exploration Fund) (1898-1899), 8-15.
Additional archive material:
London, Lucy Gura Archive, Egypt Exploration Society
Related excavations:
Distribution destinations:
Site guide: