1930-31 Armant
Type of fieldwork:
Season summary:
The Roman village adjacent to the Baqaria (tomb of the Mother of the Buchis bulls) was excavated this season. Faience and coins were among the small finds recovered.
Relevant archive holdings:
London, Lucy Gura Archive, Egypt Exploration Society
Archive Documents
Relevant publications:
Catalogue of the Egypt Exploration Society's exhibition of the results of the recent excavations at Amarna and Armant and of a loan exhibition of Egyptian jewellery: Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, 8th September to 3rd October 1931. 1931. London: Egypt Exploration Society.
Myers, O. H. and H. W. Fairman 1931. Excavations at Armant, 1929-31. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 17 (3/4), 223-232.
Related excavations:
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