1913-14 Meir
The season ran from 1 November to 9 January 1914, primarily so Blackman could correct his proofs for the first volume of Rock Tombs of Meir. Blackman also made a catalogue of the tomb-chapels of the nomarchs of Cusae and their court. Although the primary purpose was to record and copy the tomb-chapels but Blackman also cleared debris from the chapels. F. F. Ogilvie planned to come to paint at Meir in April.
Archive Documents
Blackman, Aylward M. 1914. "The archaeological survey: report for 1914", The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology
Vol. 1, No. 3, 182-184.
Blackman, Aylward Manley 1914-1924. The rock tombs of Meir. London: Egypt Exploration Fund, 1-4.
Blackman, Aylward M. and Michael R. Apted 1954. The rock tombs of Meir. Part V: the tomb-chapels A, No. 1 (that of Ni-'Ankh-Pepi the Black), A, No. 2 (that of Pepi'onkh with the "good name" of Ḥeny the Black), A, No. 4 (that of Ḥepi the Black), D, No. 1 (that of Pepi), and E, Nos. 1-4 (those of Meniu, Nenki, Pepi'onkh and Tjetu). Archaeological survey of Egypt 28. London: Egypt Exploration Society.
Blackman, Aylward M. and Michael R. Apted 1954. The Rock Tombs of Meir. Part VI: the tomb-chapels of Ukhḥotpe son of Iam (A, No. 3), Senbi son of Ukhḥotpe son of Senbi (B, No. 3), and Ukhḥotpe son of Ukhḥotpe and Ḥeny-Ḥery-Ib (C, No. 1). Archaeological survey of Egypt 29. London: Egypt Exploration Society.