1924-25 el-Amarna
The North Palace was the focus of the excavation although while waiting for a full team of workmen in the early part of the season some other houses were excavated. The excavation season was cut short by the death of Newton on Christmas day. The excavators note that the interior seems to be, like many of the other larger structures in Amarna, devoid of large scale funishings but small or broken artefacts remain. The excavators also cleared structures 300-400 yards north of the palace, identifying these buildings as storehouses or granaries. They also excavated a building of unknown purpose at the far north of the site.
Archive Documents
Whittemore, T. 1926. The Excavations at El-'Amarnah, Season 1924-5. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 12. 1/2 (Apr.), 3-12.