1921-22 Abydos
The season lasted from 8 Decmeber 1921 to 11 February 1922 and focussed on the area of Abydos more than 1 km away from his excavations at Abydos 20 years earlier. This season focused in the area now know as the location of First and late Second Dynasty enclosures, cultic structures surrounded by subsidiary graves similar to those found around the royal tombs in the Umm el-Qa'ab. These subsidiary graves Petrie referred to as the 'Tombs of the Courtiers'. Petrie reported on graves around the enclosures of Zet (Djet), Zer (Djer) and Merneit (Merneith) which were numbered between 1 and 800. The area was reused in the Middle Kingdom for burials (several Middle Kingdom stelae were recovered), as well as in the Late Period. These graves are also included in the numbering from 1 to 800s.
Archive Documents
Catalogue of Egyptian antiquities: found by Prof. Flinders Petrie and students at Abydos and Oxyrhynkhos, 1922 ; exhibited at University College, Gower St., London, July 3rd to July 29th / British School of Archaeology in Egypt. 1922. London: BSAE.
Petrie, Flinders 1925. Tombs of the courtiers and Oxyrhynkhos. British School of Archaeology in Egypt and Egyptian Research Account [37] (28th year). London: British School of Archaeology in Egypt; Bernard Quaritch.