1919-20 Lahun
Type of fieldwork:
Season summary:
- Excavation of the pyramid area and of the tombs around it, including the mastabas.
- Treasure from ivory and gold casket (first excavated in 1914): gold and precious stones jewellery set including pectorals, collars, necklaces, armlets, anklets, rings, a crown, stone vases, razors, scarabs.
- Tombs near the pyramid contained pottery, tools, lamps, amulets, coffin fragments, chests, canopic vases, and flints.
- Bashkatib cemetery: mostly empty tombs from early dynasties.
Relevant archive holdings:
London, Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology
Archive Documents
Relevant publications:
Brunton, Guy 1920. Lahun I: the treasure. British School of Archaeology in Egypt and Egyptian Research Account [27] (20th year). London: School of Archaeology in Egypt; Bernard Quaritch.
Lythgoe, Albert M. 1919. The treasure of Lahun. Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art 14 (12.2), 1-28.
Petrie, Flinders, Guy Brunton, and M. A. Murray 1923. Lahun II. British School of Archaeology in Egypt and Egyptian Research Account [33] (26th year). London: British School of Archaeology in Egypt; Bernard Quaritch.
Additional archive material:
Oxford, Griffith Institute, University of Oxford
Related excavations:
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