1912 Heliopolis
The site of the temple that Petrie wished to excavate was the property of the King of Egypt and so there were some negotiations in order to gain excavation permission. The season began on March 21 and was completed on April 18.
The work undertaken was to define and clear the temple area located near the ancient city wall. A monumental obelisk of Senworset was cleared, and in the process, blocks of another obelisk were revealed. A later earth fort was also found on the temenos. Architectural fragments and statue heads were recovered from this area. The area had been reused in the Late Period as a house and a cache of small objects were found including amulets, figurines, a bronze vessel, and an alabaster handle. a A group of objects with the names of kings on them were presented to the Kelvingove Museum in Glasgow. In the clearing of the debris, pottery, ceramic heads, amulets, statue fragments and architectural fragments were found.
Catalogue of Egyptian antiquities: found by Prof. Flinders Petrie and students at Tarkhan, Heliopolis and Memphis, 1912 ; exhibited at University College, Gower St., London, June 24th to July 20th / British School of Archaeology in Egypt 1912. London: BSAE.
Petrie, W. M. Flinders and Ernest Mackay 1915. Heliopolis, Kafr Ammar and Shurafa. British School of Archaeology in Egypt and Egyptian Research Account [24] (18th year). London: School of Archaeology in Egypt; Bernard Quaritch.