1906-07 Oxyrhynchus

Type of fieldwork: 
Season summary: 

The excavations were sponsored by the Graeco-Roman branch and thus were concerned with recovering papyri from the Graeco-Roman period rather than objects or material from different time periods.

The excavation season lasted from December 3 to the begining of March and concented on the northern part of the site. Both literary and documentary papyri were found from all periods of the Graeco-Roman to the Late Antique period. 

81 boxes of papyri were sent to Oxford for further study. Objects recovered include: small glass vessels, ostraca, a toy rattle, ivory carving, a rattle, mosaic glass, coins, tolkens, dice, beads, amulets, reed pens, lamps, terracotta figurines, brushes, combs, and bronze, iron and wooden implements, basket, and socks. 

Relevant archive holdings: 
London, Lucy Gura Archive, Egypt Exploration Society

Archive Documents

Distribution Notes: 

A Byzantine carving of a male figure, a rattle, and a wooden horseman were retained by Cairo.

All the papyri was sent to Oxford for further study. 


Relevant publications: 

Catalogue of an exhibition of antiquities : found by the officers of the Egypt Exploration Fund in the XIth dynasty temple at Deir el-Bahari and at Oxyrhynchus, 1906-7 ; exhibited at King's College, Strand, July 9th to July 30th / Egypt Exploration Fund. 1907.  London : Egypt Exploration Fund.

Grenfell, Bernard P. and Arthur S. Hunt 1907. Graeco-Roman branch. Excavations at  Oxyrhynchus. Archaeological Report (Egypt Exploration Fund) (1906-1907), 8-11.

Johnson, William A. 2012. The Oxyrhynchus distributions in America: papyri and ethics. Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 49, 209-222.

Related excavations: 
Distribution destinations: