1906-07 Giza
Type of fieldwork:
Season summary:
- Exavations started on 1st December; team members were divided between Giza and Rifeh; season closed on 2nd April.
- Excavations focused on the cemetery half a mile south of the Great Pyramid, ranging from 1st Dynasty to 19th Dynasty. Petrie's team worked on tombs essentially dating from the Early Dynastic to the 6th Dynasty/late Old Kingdom. They also excavated Late Period Roman burials and, notably, the funeral chapel of Thary (Chief of the House of Provisions) a mile south of the Great Pyramid.
- Finds include stone vases, pottery, baskets, writing palettes, one ostracon with numbers, flint jewellery (bracelets and armlets), flint tools, stone 'marbles', copper tools, ivory and gold toilet objects, a sculpted figure of a man, and incense burners, all from the earlier tombs; from the Late Period, excavators retrieved glazed vases, a decorated spoon handle, amulets, coffins, two sets of canopic jars, shabtis, and some tombs full of animals' skeletons.
Relevant archive holdings:
London, Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology
Archive Documents
Relevant publications:
Catalogue of Egyptian antiquities: found by Prof. Flinders Petrie and students at Gizeh and Rifeh, 1907 ; exhibited at University College, Gower St., London, July 1st to 27th / British School of Archaeology in Egypt. 1907. London: BSAE.
Petrie, W. M. Flinders 1907. Gizeh and Rifeh. British School of Archaeology in Egypt and Egyptian Research Account 13 (13th year). London: British School of Archaeology in Egypt; Bernard Quaritch.
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