1903-04 Abydos
Type of fieldwork:
Season summary:
- Work this season focussed on ten successive temples superimposed on the temple site at Abydos.
- Petrie also led work at the 'Shunet el-Zebib' or what was referred to as the 'ancient fort' of Second Dynasty ruler Khasekhemwy. This is in fact the enclosure of Khasekhemwy. A cemetery in and around this was also explored, notably producing a group of Dynasty 12 amulets and Aegean and Egyptian pottery figures date by Petrie to the New Kingdom.
- Margaret Murray and Winifred Hansard worked on the Egyptian Research Account explorations of the Osireion.
Relevant archive holdings:
London, Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology
Archive Documents
Relevant publications:
Petrie 1903.
Ayrton, E. R., C. T. Currelly, and A. E. Weigall 1904. Abydos. Part III. Memoir of the Egypt Exploration Fund. London: Egypt Exploration Fund; Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.
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