1899-1900 Deir el-Gebrawi
Type of fieldwork:
Archaeological Survey
Illustration and Recording
Season summary:
As part of an extensive tomb survey and documentation project, Davies started recording tomb decoration for the tombs of Aba and Zau on March 23. Davies notes that the remaining tombs do not have notable decoration or the decoration has been covered. Davies spent seven weeks at the site recording the tombs.
Relevant archive holdings:
Oxford, Griffith Institute, University of Oxford
Archive Documents
Relevant publications:
Davies, Norman de Garis,1900. Archaeological survey. Archaeological Report (Egypt Exploration Fund) (1899-1900), 4-7.
Davies, Norman de Garis, 1902. The rock tombs of Deir el Gebrâwi, 2 vols. Archaeological survey of Egypt 11-12. London: Egypt Exploration Fund.
Related excavations:
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