1895-96 Bacchis (Faiyum)
Excavation started on January 5th and lasted two months. The excavation was primarily looking for papyri.
The site was less plundered as it is farther out in the desert. Artefacts from the houses are diverse: wooden impliments and tableware, writing tablets, boxes, bone dice and accessories, bronze jewelry and combs, and terracotta figurines. A coin hoard made up of three jars contained 4265 Roman silver and bronze coins. Both domestic and temple contexts yielded papyri. The cemeteries of the town were also explored but had been looted. The excavators may have found a workshop used for making stone tools.
Archive Documents
Hogarth, David George and Grenfell, Bernard P. 1896. Cities of the Faiyum: Karanis and Bacchias. Archaeological Report (Egypt Exploration Fund)(1895-1896), 14-19.