Alternative site names:
Tell el Rub'a Djedet; Thei el Amdid
Type of site:
Temple; mastaba tombs; animal necropolis
Temple (18th Dynasty, 19th Dynasty, 26th Dynasty); mastaba tombs (Old Kingdom); animal necropolis (New Kingdom)
Excavation season:
Relevant publications:
Naville, Edouard, J. J. Tylor, and F. Ll. Griffith 1894. Ahnas el Medineh (Heracleopolis Magna): with chapters on Mendes, the nome of Thoth, and Leontopolis / The tomb of Paheri at El Kab. Memoir of the Egypt Exploration Fund 11. London: Egypt Exploration Fund
Redford, Donald B. 2010. City of the ram-man: the story of ancient Mendes. Princeton; Oxford: Princeton University Press.