The Old Kingdom necropolis was designated for the nomarchs of the 12th Upper Egyptian nome. Approximently 100 tombs were documented. Also two groups of 6th Dynasty rock-cut tombs were found at the site. The tombs are notable for the scenes of agricultural and industrial activities.
Catalogue of drawings of scenes and hieroglyph: copied from wall-paintings in ancient Egyptian tombs of B. C. 3800 to B. C. 2500 at Dêr el-Gebrawi, El-Bersheh, and Beni Hasan; exhibited by the Egypt Exploration Fund at the Art Gallery, Mosley Street, Manchester, September - October, 1893 / Egypt Exploration Fund. 1893. London: Egypt Exploration Fund.
Davies, N. de G. 1902. The rock tombs of Deir el Gebrâwi, 2 vols. Archaeological survey of Egypt 11-12. London: Egypt Exploration Fund.
Kanawati, Naguib 2005. Deir el-Gebrawi. Volume I: the northern cliff. Australian Centre for Egyptology: reports 23. Oxford: Aris and Phillips.
Kanawati, Naguib 2007. Deir el-Gebrawi. Volume II: The southern cliff. The tombs of Ibi and others. Australian Centre for Egyptology: reports 25. Oxford: Aris and Phillips.
Kanawati, Naguib 2013. Deir el-Gebrawi, volume III: The southern cliff. The tomb of Djau/Shemai and Djau. Australian Centre for Egyptology: reports 32. Oxford: Aris and Phillips.