New Haven, CT, Yale University

Current name(s) of destination(s): 
New Haven, CT, Yale Peabody Museum
Destination category: 
Institutional history: 

The Peabody Museum of Natural History was founded in 1866 and is one of the oldest and largest university natural history collections. In addition to subscribing to the EEF, the university's collection was also augmented by private collections. One such was the collection of Judge Victor C. Barringer which first were placed in the care of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York before they were bought for Yale in 1890.

Notes on distribution: 

Papyri are more likley to be housed in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University rather than in the Peabody. 

Destination location: 
See also: 
Excavations from which artefacts are distributed: