
Current name(s) of destination(s): 
The Styberg Library (Hibbard Egyptian Library of the Western Theological Seminary)
Destination category: 
Institutional history: 

Mrs Lydia Beekman Hibbard, motivated by her interest in Egypt and biblical history, provided funds towards Flinders Petrie's British School of Archaeology in Egypt, objects from which she donated to the Western Theological Seminary of Chicago. Later Western and Seabury merged, and the libraries of Seabury-Western and Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminaries were united in 1981. Garrett-Evangelical purchased the Seabury-Western’s collections and as a result, the collections from the Hibbard Egyptian Library are housed in the United Library located in Garrett-Evangelical. The United Library at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary was renamed “The Styberg Library” in 2017. 

See also: 
Excavations from which artefacts are distributed: