Flinders Petrie Independent Excavations 1887–1892

Flinders Petrie’s first sponsored excavations in Egypt were for the Egypt Exploration Fund (EEF) in 1884. Unfortunately, his relationship with the EEF was always fractious and after disagreements with the EEF committee in 1886 he decided to work independently. Financial support for Petrie’s work between 1887 and 1892 instead came from two wealthy partners: Jesse Haworth and Martin Kennard, with any finds allowed to leave Egypt being split three-ways between Petrie, Haworth and Kennard.

Much of Petrie’s share was presented to UCL, Haworth’s to the University of Manchester Museum, and Kennard’s to the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford.

The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, UCL, looks after archives and the copyright relating to these independent expeditions.

Fragment of painted plaster from the North Palace at Amarna now in the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, UCL (UC2267)

Fragment of painted plaster from the North Palace at Amarna now in the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, UCL (UC2267)
