Site description:
Located on the east bank of the Nile the cemetery is apparently known by the same name as the modern day village of Sharona which is approximently 5 kilometres to he north. The site is marked by a mill.The town as well as the temple dedicated to Ptolemy I has been mostly removed for reuse. The excavators believe the cemetery was associated with Hierakonpolis. The tombs were either rock-cut into the side of the cliff or were shaft tombs, with one large rock-cut tomb was also decorated by sculpture and dated by the excavators to Dynasty 6.
Type of site:
Town; temple; cemeteries
Town (undated); temple (Ptolemaic Period); cemeteries (Old Kingdom, New Kingdom).
Excavation season:
Relevant publications:
Grenfell, Bernard P. and Arthur S. Hunt 1903. Graeco-Roman branch. Excavations at Hibeh, Cynopolis and Oxyrhynchus. Archaeological Report (Egypt Exploration Fund) (1902-1903), 1-9.