David M. Dixon
British Egyptologist; he was born at Conway (Gyffin Conwy), Wales 30 Dec. 1930, son of William Francis D. and Ellen Williams; he was educated at the Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe and at University College London from 1950, obtaining his BA and PhD; he took part in Emery’s excavations at Saqqara in 1956 and 1968-70 and Buhen 1957-9; he was appointed Research Fellow at the Wellcome Institute to classify the Egyptian collection in 1960 and arranged its transfer to the Petrie Museum in 1964; he then became Hon. Research Associate at the Department of Egyptology, University College London and later lecturer 1967-95; he was Hon. Curator of the Petrie Museum 1967-1978; he served as Hon. Secretary of the Egypt Exploration Society 1983-92; his principal interests were in fauna and flora and trade in ancient Egypt and latterly on the British in Egypt in the 19th century on which subjects he wrote a number of articles; he died at High Wycombe, 1 Nov. 2005.