The fortified town was intended to protect Egypt’s north-eastern frontier and appears to have been re-established several times. There are 18th Dynasty tombs but much of the settlement activity appears to have occurred in the Third Intermediate Period and later. An early Ptolemaic treasure horde was recovered from the temple. There a numerous mudbrick structures including domestic architecture at the site.
Milne, J. G. 1941. The Ṭūkh el-Ḳarāmūṣ gold hoard. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 27, 135-137.
Naville, Edouard and F. Ll. Griffith 1890. The mound of the Jew and the city of Onias: Belbeis, Samanood, Abusir, Tukhel Karmus. 1887 / The antiquities of Tell el Yahûdîyeh, and miscellaneous work in Lower Egypt during the years 1887-1888. Memoir of the Egypt Exploration Fund 7. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner.