The site is composed of two areas of archaeological interest: the fortified town with a destroyed temple dedicated by Shoshenq I to Amun, and extensive cemeteries. The site is an important Third Intermediate Period settlement.
Catalogue of Egyptian antiquities : found by Prof. Flinders Petrie at Abydos and Drs Grenfell and Hunt at El Hibeh, Oxyrhynchus, &c. (Egypt Exploration Fund) and drawings from the Osireion (Egyptian Research Account), 1903 ; exhibited at University College, Gower Street, London, July 1st to 25th. London, 1903.
Grenfell, Bernard P. and Arthur S. Hunt 1902. Excavations in the Fayûm and at El Hîbeh. Archaeological Report 1901-1902, 2-5.
Grenfell, Bernard P. and Arthur S. Hunt 1903. Excavations at Hîbeh, Cynopolis and Oxyrhynchus. Archaeological Report 1902-1903, 1-9.