Current name(s) of destination(s):
Winnipeg, Anthropology Museum, University of Winnipeg
Destination category:
Notes on distribution:
The university has a small teaching collection which most likely originated from British excavations. According to Mark Trumpour the designation Winnipeg would have refered to Wesley College which eventually became the University of Winnipeg.
According to the Egypt Exploration Society distribution lists "Winnipeg" was allocated the following:
Petrie, 1885-6 (sent 1903)
2 lamps
Terracotta head
2 vases
Stone weight marked
(Diospolis Parva), 1898-9 (sent 1903)
Beads Y73, 12th Dynasty
Beads Y 429 (2 lots)
1887-88 sent 1903
2 arrowheads, bronze
2 flint knives
Grenfell 1895-1901 sent 1903
Terracotta head
9 coins Ptol: Roman
2 rings & glass bezil
Clay sealing
Toy marble. Gaming die
Fish hook. Needle
Hair pin. Bone implement
2 ushabtis Hibek Persian period
Naville 1886-88 sent 1903
Model rocker
Model hoe Both of Hatshepsut
Artefacts with distributed year of excavation unknown:
Deir el-Bahri
Relevant publications:
Mark Trunpour 2011. In search of Ancient Egypt in Canada: the Manitoba mystery. Newsletter of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities 2011 (2), 4-5.
Destination location:
See also:
Excavations from which artefacts are distributed: