El Arabeh (Cemetery E)
The following is taken from an unpublished manuscript by Janine Bourriau and is reproduced here with permission: "The marking of objects from this exaction is distinctive but impermanent, being for the most part done in pencil. Most objects were marked with E and following tomb number, but some marks include a subsidiary number and letters in this manner, E.512λ. The plan of E.45 on pl. xxxii shows that the chambers of the shaft were marked α and λ and it has been assumed that these letters in every case refer to the chamber in which the object was found. The subsidiary number refers to the shaft, since Garstang used the same number, as the plans of E., E.2, and E.3 on pl.ii show, to cover a series of adjoining shafts. This interpretation of the excavators marks has been used to try to subdivide the tomb groups but there are inconsistencies. The tomb group of Hor is shown on pl.i labelled E.1082, but on pl.ii only one shaft is shown numbered E.108. However, in the text, Garstang states that E.108 was robbed from an adjoining shaft, which suggests that in cases of conflict the evidence of the marks is to be preferred to that of the plan."
"Pots U.C.1888 and 18892 from E.232 are marked respectively, E.2321α and E.232λ indicating the existence of at least two chambers in the shaft. Presumably, there was also an adjoining shaft E.2322, but this is doubtful and some allowance must be made for an inconsistency in recording."

Excavation mark from el-Arabeh 1900 season