1909-10 Sedment (Faiyum)

Type of fieldwork: 
Season summary: 

The excavations were sponsored by the Graeco-Roman branch and thus were concerned with recovering papyri from the Graeco-Roman period rather than objects or material from different time periods. 

The surrounding area was explored from November 14-18 but only Middle and New Kingdom graves were found which were not part of the purpose of the excavators. The excavators do note a burial which had two baskets and a faience plaque with the name Thutmose III. They also excavted to the north and uncovered another Middle Kingdom cemetery where they note finding wooden servant statues and tableaux. 






Relevant archive holdings: 
London, Lucy Gura Archive, Egypt Exploration Society
Relevant publications: 

Catalogue of an exhibition of antiquities: found by the officers of the Egypt Exploration Fund at Abydos and at Sidmant, etc., 1909-10 ; exhibited at King's College, Strand, July 7th to July 23rd / Egypt Exploration Fund. 1910. London : Egypt Exploration Fund.

Blackman. Aylward M. Blackman and J. de M. Johnson, 1910. The Graeco-Roman branch. Archaeological Report (Egypt Exploration Fund) (1909-1910), 10-12.

Related excavations: 
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