St. Paul, MN, Science Museum of Minnesota

Destination category: 
Notes on distribution: 

The Science Museum of Minnesota holds fifty-three objects (SMM Cat nos.35-1 through 35-53) acquired through the E.E.S. The objects range from steles to scarabs and clay lamps. The E.E.S. lists all of the material as coming from the site of Sesebi in Sudan. Letters in the Museum's archive describe the reasons for the acquisition (Letters, Dr. Louis H. Powell to Mary C. Jonas (Egypt Exploration Society), November-Octo-ber, 1937, Accession 577, Science Museum of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN):

"It may seem strange to you that a small and comparatively unknownmid-western museum should be interested in this type of venture. Indeed it is only because of the specific interest in Egyptology of two members of our Board of Trustees, that we have been able to de-velop that department of our museum with more than proportionate rapidity"


Destination location: 
See also: 
Excavations from which artefacts are distributed: