Poughkeepsie, NY, Vassar College

Current name(s) of destination(s): 
Poughkeepsie, NY, Vassar College
Destination category: 
Notes on distribution: 
According to the Egypt Exploration Society distribution lists Vassar were allocated the following:
Petrie (Abydos II), 1902-03 (sent 1903)
3 flint knives, 1st Dynasty
Slate palette
Glazed baboons
6 Khufu offerings, 4th Dynasty
Beads, 6th Dynasty
Pottery support
Incense of Amenhotep
Found: dep: Aahmes temple
Kohl stick, bronze Aahmes town
2 ushabtis, 22nd Dynasty
Lid of ushabti jar
3 bronze Osiris, 26th Dynasty
Hair       Shunek
Pottery of all dates
Grenfell, 1902-03  (sent 1903(
4 ushabtis,  Hibeh, Persian period
2 sets beads
Horn & feathers, wood , Hibeh   Ptolemaic
Rings,  Behnesa, Roman
Hook of shadoof rope
4 bone beads
2 pieces tortoiseshell bracelet
Spindle whorl
2 terracotta figures
Bronze hook
Glass beads
Beads & amulets, Hibeh
Bronze handle
Hair ring carnelian, 18th Dynasty
Leather sandal, Qarara, Byzantine
Earring,  Hibeh
Rings, iron 
Bracelets, bronze & iron
2 sets Beads      Qarara
Rings & bracelet
Destination location: 
See also: 
Excavations from which artefacts are distributed: