Munich, Glyptothek

Current name(s) of destination(s): 
Munich, Staatliches Museum Agyptischer Kunst
May refer to: 
Staatliche Sammlung für Ägyptische Kunst (State Museum of Egyptian Art) where all the state collection of Egyptian art is located.
Destination category: 
Institutional history: 

The state collection of antiquities was established in the 16th century and heavily supported  by the royal family, especially by King Lugwig I. The collection also benefited from private donations and from the sponsorship and the Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Bavarian Academy of Science and Humanities). Material may have also filtered in from when the collection of Friedrich Wilhelm Freiherr von Bissing, professor of the Egyptological Institute at Munich University, some of his privale collection was sold to the museum or given as a gift.

The collection was moved into its own new museum in 2013.





Related archive documents

Destination location: 
See also: 
Excavations from which artefacts are distributed: