
Current name(s) of destination(s): 
Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo
May refer to: 
Destination category: 
Notes on distribution: 
The Ethnographic Museum of the University of Oslo. A letter in the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology (UCL) archive from Jens Lieblin dated 5 November 1900, requests (in French) antiquities for 'the Ethnographic Museum of the University of Christiana'. [PMA/WFP1/C/66/LIE/01].
According to the Egypt Exploration Society distribution lists "Christiana" was allocated the following objects and a check of their online database (March 2017) confirms that these objects are still accessioned into the collection:
MacIver           1900-01          sent 1901
El Amrah
Pottery, 35 pieces
4 stone vases
5 slates
Fragments of ivory
Ivory bracelet
Limestone pendants

Related archive documents

Destination location: 
See also: 
Excavations from which artefacts are distributed: