California per Mrs. Crocker
Current name(s) of destination(s):
May refer to:
This is likely to be Ethel Crocker (1861-1934), wife of William H Crocker, president of Crocker National Bank. This seems clear from a letter in a "miscellaneous EES correspondence file" dated 15 September 1927 which gives the address as "New Place, Burlingame, San Francisco", which was mansion of William and Ethel Crocker. The letter goes on to say that "The distribution committee allotted a very fine alabaster vase, a bronze knife, and a fragment of finely sculptured stone with the head of one of the princesses with the rays of the Aten behind. These have been sent in one case addressed to Mrs Crocker in person but intended to be donated to one of the Museums in California".
Destination category:
Notes on distribution:
It is unclear if the objects sent to Ethel Crocker were donated to a Californian Musuem. William H Crocker's uncle had founded the Crocker Art Museum in Sacremento but enquiries there have found not evidence of the Egyptian objects matching the EES description.