Bissing, Friedrich Wilhelm von

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Notes on distribution: 

Friedrich Wilhelm von Bissing (1873-1956) was a German Egyptologist who had extensive cataloguing experience in the Cairo Museum before World War I. After the war, he became Professor of Egyptology at the University of Munich from 1906-22 and left for the University of Utrecht, 1922-26. 

His scientific estate stayed with the family and was unfortunately scattered around in later years up to the present day. The fate of the objects he collected is very diverse: some of them were given as a gift to the Munich collection, others were sold to Munich and others disappeared into the art market. About a third of the collection (c. 1000 objects) were bought by the Kestner Museum in Hanover, which itself lost many objects during war after the place where the collection was evacuated to (salt mines) was looted. 

See also: 
Excavations from which artefacts are distributed: