Hilton Price's collection was sold at Sotheby's in 1911.
With thanks to Taichi Kuronuma for drawing this material to our attention
Relevant publications:
Price Frederick George Hilton: A catalogue of the Egyptian antiquities in the possession of F. G. Hilton Price. - London : Quaritch, 1897-1908. - Vol. [1]-2 ; 4º
Catalogue of the important and extensive collection of Egyptian antiquities, the property of the late F. G. Hilton-Price, Esq. [...] : which will be sold by auction by Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge [...] on Wednesday, 12th July, 1911, and two following days, and on Monday, the 17th of July, and four following days. - London : Davy, 1911. - IV, 172 p. : 29 pl. ; 8º