The museum opened in 1904, presented by the town to Sir Arthur Dorman as a memorial to his son and the other members of the Yorkshire Regiment who died in the South African wars. The museum's origins were as a collection formed by the Cleveland Literary and Philosophical Society Field Club, whose members had access to a small study collection in their headquaters. The museum started primarily as a natural history collection, made up of specimens from individuals private collections but diversified into other areas like geology and archaeology.
Notes on distribution:
According to the Egypt Exploration Society's distribution lists the following were allocated to the museum:
Petrie, 1903-04 (sent 1904)
Spindle-whorl, wood, Roman
Fragment of carved ivory
Glass weight
Glass bottle
Fragment of glazed dish
10 vases
17 lamps
2 terracotta handles
11 terracotta heads
12 vases, Sedment, 18th Dynasty
Grenfell, 1903-04 (sent 1904)
Iron key on ring, Roman
Ring key
3 bezils of rings
Bird, terracotta
2 draughtsmen
7 dice
6 hairpins
Pottery object
Artefacts with distributed year of excavation unknown:
Tarkhan (according to undated list in the Petrie Museum archives)