Serabit el Khadim; Serabit el-Khadem; Serabit el-Chadim; Serabit el Chadim; Sarabit al-Khadim; Sarabit al Khadim; Sarabit el-Khadim; Sarabit el Khadim; Sarbut el-Chadim; Sarbut el Chadim; Serabit el-Chadim; Serabit el Chadim; Serabit el-Khadem; Serabit el Khadem; Serabit-el-Khadem; Serabit-el-Khadim; Sinai
Arabic site names:
سرابيط الخادم
Site description:
The temple of Hathor’s earliest rock cut chamber dates to the 12th Dynasty but was enlarged by Hatshepsut and Thutmose III. In the New Kingdom, a shrine of the god of the eastern desert, Sopd, was added. The site became a place of importance on account of the turquoise mines. The site contained thousands of votive offerings.
Type of site:
Temple; settlement
Temple (Middle Kingdom, New Kingdom); settlement (Middle Kingdom, New Kingdom)